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This warm up is structured and designed to warm up the whole body and implementing the Five Basic Principles 
This warm-up can help to mobilise your spine, hip and shoulder joints preparing the body for the exercise.

Meditating in Nature


Starting position Seated on mat. Spine and pelvis neutral and vertical. Knees bent, feet flat on mat. Holding shins. Scapulae stabilized.

To prepare inhale...

Exhale initiate from top of head and sequentially articulate spine into flexion forward, relaxing over legs.

While flexed forward...

Inhale through nose, feel back and sides of rib cage expand.

Exhale through pursed lips, allowing rib cage to close.

Complete 3–5 breaths.

On last exhale...
initiate from tail and sequentially articulate spine, rolling up to starting position.

Complete 2 to 3 repetitions.


Starting position Supine, pelvis and spine neutral. Knees flexed, feet abducted hip-distance apart on mat. Arms long by sides, palms down.
To prepare, inhale…
Exhale contract abs and imprint spine.
Inhale return to neutral.
Complete 3–5 repetitions.

Stretching on Yoga Mat


Inhale release hip joint and rotate laterally, allowing leg to fall out to side as knee extends and foot slides away from torso.

Exhale rotate medially at hip joint, allowing leg to fall across midline of torso as knee flexes and foot is brought in toward torso.

Complete 3 repetitions in this direction, then rotate medially to slide foot away and rotate laterally to slide foot in, 3 times. Repeat with other leg.


Starting position Side-lying on mat, hips and knees flexed. Arms extended forward on mat at shoulder-height, palms together.
Inhale reach top arm toward ceiling.
Exhale continue to reach arm out to side, allowing upper torso to rotate and front of chest to open and face ceiling.
Inhale breathe into side of rib cage.
Exhale stay.
Inhale breathe into side of rib cage.
Exhale engage abdominals and rotate torso back to starting position.
Complete 2–3 repetitions on each side.



Cat Cow Pose


Starting position On hands and knees with arms under shoulders and knees under hips, knees hip-distance apart. Pelvis and spine neutral.
To prepare, inhale...
Inhale maintain starting position.
Exhale initiate by rolling ASIS away from front of femurs and sequentially articulate spine into flexion from tailbone to head. Allow scapulae to protract without tensing upper trapezius.
Inhale keep abdominals engaged and expand back of rib cage, keeping head and shoulders relaxed.
Exhale sequentially articulate spine into slight extension from tailbone to head.
Complete 3–5 repetitions.


Starting position Supine, pelvis and spine neutral. Knees flexed, feet abducted hip-distance apart on mat. Arms long by sides, palms down.
To prepare, inhale...
Inhale lengthen through spine.
Exhale initiate from tail and sequentially articulate spine through flexion off mat until weight rests on thoracic (not on cervical spine). Extend hip joints as much as possible without allowing overextension of lumbar.
Inhale maintain position, expanding sides and back of rib cage.
Exhale initiate from thoracic region and sequentially articulate spine through flexion to mat, finally returning to neutral.
Complete 3–5 repetitions.

Practicing Yoga
Stretch with Block


Starting position Supine, pelvis and spine neutral. Knees flexed, feet abducted hip-distance apart on mat. Arms long by sides, palms down.
To prepare, inhale...
Inhale lengthen through spine.
Exhale initiate from tail and sequentially articulate spine through flexion off mat until weight rests on thoracic (not on cervical spine). Extend hip joints as much as possible without allowing overextension of lumbar.
Inhale maintain position, expanding sides and back of rib cage.
Exhale initiate from thoracic region and sequentially articulate spine through flexion to mat, finally returning to neutral.
Complete 3–5 repetitions.


Starting position Supine, pelvis and spine neutral. Knees flexed, feet abducted hip-distance apart on mat. Arms long by sides, palms down.
Inhale lengthen back of neck, leaving head on mat.
Exhale return to neutral.   
Starting position Supine, pelvis and spine neutral. Knees flexed, feet abducted hip-distance apart on mat. Arms long by sides, palms down.
Inhale slide shoulders up toward ears, elevating scapulae.
Exhale slide shoulders away from ears, lightly pressing palms into mat; imagine inferior angle of scapulae being gently pulled down the back and in toward the spine in a V shape.

Image by Ryan Moreno

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