Strength in Body & Mind
Kettlebell training is my favourite way to lift.
I only started resistance training when i became a Pt and had a fantastic coach taking me through every movement and gave me confidence to learn something new.
The bells are super versatile and can be used anywhere, either gym at home or outdoors. You can use them for Flows and there are two styles that are commonly used .
Hard style and Sport style .
Flow Benefits:
-Flexibility, Range of Motion, Multi Plane, Mobility, Coordination and Movement control
Hardstyle Benefits:
-good for your Strength and Power
Sportstyle Benefits:
-good for your Strength endurance and Cardio
Kettlebell training is for anyone that enjoys
learning a new skills and challenge body and mind at the same time.
It helped many of my clients feeling more able to use their body in new ways, opening up tightness in shoulders, hips, ankles and overall more fluidity.
They experienced stronger muscle tone and feeling able to perform a skill that not just looks good but feels good .